Tuesday, July 03, 2012

EX Ministries TBHH7: Roman Catholics, Protestants, Antichrist, Church

DISCLAIMER: I wish to make it known that I do not agree with everything that this pastor proclaims in his theology. In listening to him for the past year, I've gotten the impression that he has an underlying animosity towards the nation of Israel, and borderlines on replacement theology. He does not believe that there will be a unique individual that will be known as the AntiChrist in the last days. Nor does this pastor seem to believe that the judgments of the book of Revelation are yet to come (the tribulation). In fact, he claims that everything bad that can happen has already happened... that things cannot possibly get any worse than they are. I would submit that Pastor G. Craig Lewis is greatly mistaken in that regard. Yet he and his fellow ministers will not receive correction in that area. Be that as it may, I have seen enough truth in certain of his messages to take into consideration before the Lord. Especially as it pertains to Satan's tactics involving music, popular culture, and his covert infiltration of what passes for church in the United States.

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